If ever you were dreaming
Let me, let me remind you a few thing
We are not in a fairy tale
And I'm not a fuckin prince charming
I wanted nothing at all
Just you don't shut your eyes
Every time a cloud comes darken
Our sky
It's time for you to get updated
About what, about what a love story
It looks like you are stopped
At the last, at the last walt disney
At least tell me what you see
None of this exists unfortunately
I am so sorry
But you are far from reality
I wanted nothing at all
Just you don't shut your eyes
Every time a cloud comes darken
Our sky
I wanted nothing at all
Just you don't shut your eyes
Every time a cloud comes darken
Our sky
I'd so loved, so loved to believe
I'd so loved, you to make me believe
Variety - Infos |
Date : 2018 | Album : Q&A | Origin : France | Performer : Roze | Music composer : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer | |
form added by Blondie.