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Variétés - Papa Chico (Jamalak)    twitter 

Everybody clap your hands
Papa Chico's in the place
All the people turning around
Papa Chico's plainly sun
See that's all
All the people all the people, feeling they come
Oh yeah, they're feeling they come

Papa Chico you're the sun
All the children don't wan't you gone
Papa Chico plainly sun
All the people turning around
Papa Chico move you're eyes
Your discover is eating the ice
Papa Chico sing their song
All the people feeling they come

Papa Chico you're the sun
All the children don't wan't you gone
Papa Chico plainly sun
All the people turning around
Papa Chico move you're eyes
Your discover is eating the ice
Papa Chico sing their song
All the people feeling they come

Everyone in the sun
(Papa Chico you're the sun)
Life could be so much fun
(All the children don't wan't you gone)
When the work day is done
(Well ma ma, well ma ma de mam)
Everybody in the sun
(Papa Chico you're the sun)


 - Papa Chico

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1985
Album : As tu as
Origine : Italie
Interprète : Jamalak
Compositeur : Tony Esposito

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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  Un évènement tragique va me forcer à m'en rappeler d'autres, que je le veuille ou non. Mon histoire est terrible, mon histoire est vraie. Je l'ai déjà écrite, mais je vais encore vous la raconter. Pour mère! Pour père! Pour mes frères...
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