le player de génériques

Variety - (Roze)    twitter 

It's not as if the doubt
If the doubt wasn't part of me
Or as if a thing
If a thing I don't wanna see

I feel strong enough
Feel just strong enough to climb up to the end
I feel strong enough
Feel just strong enough as I felt at the beginning

I just took one place
Among the different races
That life offered me
I ended up to choose
One where I can't lose
Now I'm waiting, and waiting

It's not as if the doubt
If the doubt wasn't part of me
Or as if a thing
If a thing I don't wanna see

I feel strong enough
Feel just strong enough to climb up to the end
I feel strong enough
Feel just strong enough as I felt at the beginning

I just took one place
Among the different races
That life offered me
I ended up to choose
One where I can't lose
Now I'm waiting, and waiting

It's been a while now
That no matter how
Slowly I'm getting close
It's just a matter of time
To see our hearts shine
Now we're waiting and waiting

I just took one place
Among the different races
That life offered me
I ended up to choose
One where I can't lose
Now I'm waiting, and waiting

It's been a while now
That no matter how
Slowly I'm getting close
It's just a matter of time
To see our hearts shine
Now we're waiting and waiting

For you
For you

 - Just a matter of time

Variety - Infos
Date : 2018
Album : Q&A
Origin : France
Performer : Roze
Music composer : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer

form added by Blondie.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Ma rivale est adulée de tous, cela me rend folle hystérique ! Même mon producteur n'a d'yeux que pour elle. Remarquez, c'est assez facile, il ne lui suffit que de prononcer une formule magique et la voilà changée en star de la chanson. Qui suis-je ?
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