Interrogation marks dance all around
At four corners of my memory
Symbolizing Answers never found
In my mastermind obviously
Even if some turn
Back in the shadow for a moment
None of them
Is really fall into oblivion
I ponder questions have no fuckin' answers
I'm clever and never short I always find better
Lights reveal them in board daylight
Without realizing I'm the light
And I help them to dance
To unwind their choreography
And express all their
Express all their own fantasy
I ponder questions have no fuckin' answers
I'm clever and never short I always find better
Interrogation marks dance all around
At four corners of my memory
Symbolizing Answers never found
In my mastermind obviously
And I ponder, wonder, questions have no fuckin' answers
I'm clever and never short I always, always find better
Always find better
Variety - Infos |
Date : 2018 | Album : Q&A | Origin : France | Performer : Roze | Music composer : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer | |
form added by Blondie.