le player de génériques

Variétés - Aftermath of the Euphoria (Roze)    twitter 

Don't believe what you see if I don't shine
Today is a daylight that's not mine
Don't worry about me and about what I feel tonight
Today is the daylight where I don't feel fine

The connexion with you is over now
No matter what you do every night yeah
You can go anywhere and do it anytime
No matter what you do when you go on your side

When you go on your side
When you go to take a ride

But before you I can't do otherwise
To create a bunch of a lies
For when you leave me you don 't realize
That each time you take with you my pride

The connexion with you is over now
No matter what you do every night yeah
You can go anywhere and do it anytime
No matter what you do when you go on your side

When you go on your side
When you go to take a ride

The aftermath of the euphoria
I'm just down phase
Just full disphoria
And for all the next days
And for all the next days

Just full disphoria

Don't believe what you see if I don't shine
Today is a daylight that's not mine
Don't worry about me and about what I feel tonight
Today is the daylight where I don't feel fine

 - Aftermath of the Euphoria

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2018
Album : Q&A
Origine : France
Interprète : Roze
Compositeur : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer

Fiche ajoutée par Blondie.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Des montagnes, un vieux trappeur, un ours, un âne, un indien, un homme injustement accusé de meurtre ... voilà le cadre d'une série champêtre pleine de charme et de naturel mais quel est son nom ?
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