As for a soldier
A bullet came from anywhere
You made my first real notch there
Hard to realize it
One your later that it is there
Where everything began
So now what it's sure
It's I need a cure
Trouble is anchored
Don't let me think yeah
Should I go back in time
Or reset my mind
To make me hope again
Don't let me think yeah
It's by excess of reflection
I am stuck in what I believe to be the solution
Since I've lost the control of my head
And my consciousness keeps telling me
You're going crazy
So now what it's sure
It's I need a cure
Trouble is anchored
Don't let me think yeah
Should I go back in time
Or reset my mind
To make me hope again
Don't let me think
So now what it's sure
It's I need a cure
Trouble is anchored
Don't let me think yeah
Should I go back in time
Or reset my mind
To make me hope again
Don't let me think
Every time, during many hours
Variety - Infos |
Date : 2018 | Album : Q&A | Origin : France | Performer : Roze | Music composer : Grégory Castanet, Laurent Robin, Florian Meyer | |
form added by Blondie.