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Variétés - Kids in America (Kim Wilde)    twitter 

Looking out a dirty old window.
Down below the cars in the city go rushing by.
I sit here alone and I wonder why.

Friday night and everyone's moving.
I can feel the heat but it's soothing.
Heading down, I search for the beat in this dirty town.

Down town the young ones are going.
Down town the young ones are growing.
We're the kids in America.
Everybody live for the music-go-round.

Bright lights the music get faster.
Look boy, don't check on your watch, not another glance.
I'm not leaving now, honey not a chance.

Hot-shot, give me no problems.
Much later baby you'll be saying never mind.
You know life is cruel, life is never kind.

Kind hearts don't make a new story.
Kind hearts don't grab any glory.
We're the kids in America.
Everybody live for the music-go-round.

Come closer, honey that's better.
Got to get a brand new experience.
Feeling right.
Oh don't try to stop baby.
Hold me tight.

Outside a new day is dawning.
Outside Suburbia's sprawling everywhere.
I don't want to go baby.
New York to East California.
There's a new wave coming I warn you.

We're the kids in America.
Everybody live for the music-go-round.
We're the kids in America.

 - Kids in America

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1981
Album : Kim Wilde
Origine : Royaume-Uni
Interprète : Kim Wilde
Compositeur : Marty Wilde, Ricky Wilde/Reginald Leonard Smith

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  On peut être une truie et avoir une certaine éducation, mais je suis au moins aussi bête que mon amie, qui elle , n'est pas une dinde, mais pas loin ! Qui sommes nous ?
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