le player de génériques

Variety - (Jackie Chan)    twitter 

Out of the East
A dream comes out from the sky

Setting me free
Through the clouds I will fly

The mountain must yield to me
Thunder will roar

The sound wakes the universe
Dragon will soar

High upon high
I reach for high upon high
Into the sky
I charge on into the sky

High upon high
I reach for high upon high
Into the sky
I charge on into the sky


We touch the clouds
The tiger with me will ride

Our hearts as one
Power right at my side

The future before us lies
Magical door

Along with the tigers way
Dragon will soar

-High upon high
I reach for high upon high
Into the sky
I charge on into the sky

High upon high
I reach for high upon high

High upon high
I reach for high upon high

High upon high.

 - High upon high

Variety - Infos
Date : 1986
Movie : Mister Dynamite; Longxiong hudi; Armour of God
Origin : Hong Kong
Performer : Jackie Chan
Music composer : Michael Lai

form added by Spicefan25.
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