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Variétés - Phantom of the Paradise - The hell of it ()    twitter 

Interprété par Swan (Paul H.Williams)

Roll on thunder, shine on lightning
The days are long and the nights are frightenin'
Nothing matters anyway
And that's the hell of it

Winter comes and the winds blew colder
While some grew wiser, you just grew older
And you never listened anyway
And that's the hell of it

Good for nothing, bad in bed
Nobody likes you and you're better off dead
Goodbye (goodbye), we've all come to say goodbye (goodbye)
Goodbye (goodbye)
Born defeated, died in vain
Super-destructive, you were hooked on pain
Though your music lingers on
All of us are glad you're gone

If I could live my life half as worthlessly as you
I'm convinced that I'd wind up burning too

Love yourself as you loved no other
Be no man's fool and be no man's brother
We're all born to die alone, you know, that's the hell of it

Life's a game where they're bound to beat you
And time's a trick it can turn to cheat you
And we only waste it anyway
And that's the hell of it

Good for nothing, bad in bed
Nobody liked you and you're better off dead
Goodbye (goodbye), we've all come to say goodbye (goodbye)
Goodbye (goodbye)
Born defeated, died in vain
Super-destructive, you were hooked on pain
And though your music lingers on
All of us are glad you're gone !

Instrumental, ad lib ...

 - Phantom of the Paradise - The hell of it

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1974
Film : Phantom of the Paradise
Origine : USA
Compositeur : Paul H.Williams

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Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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