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Variety - (The White Stripes)    twitter 

I'm gonna fight 'em all
A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
They're gonna rip it off
Taking their time right behind my back
And I'm talking to myself at night
Because I can't forget
Back and forth through my mind
Behind a cigarette
And the message coming from my eyes
Says : "Leave it alone"

Don't wanna hear about it
Every single one's got a story to tell
Everyone knows about it
From the Queen of England to the hounds of Hell
And if I catch it coming back my way
I'm gonna serve it to you
And that ain't what you want to hear
But that's what I'll do
And the feeling coming from my bones
Says : "Find a home"

I'm going to Wichita
Far from this opera forevermore
I'm gonna work the straw
Make the sweat drip out of every pore
And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding
Right before the Lord

All the words are gonna bleed from me
And I will sing no more
And the stains coming from my blood
Tell me, "Go back home"

 - Seven nation army

Variety - Infos
Date : 2003
Album : Elephant
Origin : USA
Performer : The White Stripes
Music composer : John Anthony White

form added by Tigrette.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Les origines de ce personnage remontent au Moyen-Âge mais lui est résolument moderne ! Vous ne me croyez pas ? Prenez votre dico ! ...Vous ne le retrouvez pas ? Ah bon ? Mais qui a bien pu vous le voler ?
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