le player de génériques

Variety - (Or3o)    twitter 

When I was a little girl
I would tap and I would twirl
And my dream was to move on while dancing all over the world

But I was struck with a disease
That brought me down onto my knees
Losing all of my desires and losing all my hopes and dreams

Give up dancing!
No you can’t stop me cus it’s still not the end
Give up dancing!
Then this is what my baby said

If you can’t dance with your feet
then move your arms to the beat
you can Dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

Who says you cannot tap
when you can tap with a clap
I can dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

Though I can’t I’m still dancing anyway

Starting from my chest
and slowly reaching to my head
Oh This monster left me paralyzed, continuing to spread

I could barely move my hands
It’s like all movement has been banned
My whole body was all stuck like I was sinking in the sand

Give up dancing!
No you can’t stop me cus it’s still not the end
Give up dancing!
‘Cause this is what my baby said

If you can’t dance with your arms
Then use your voice as a charm
You can dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

Who says you can’t at all
when you can dance with a call
I can dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

Though I can’t I’m still dancing anyway

If you can’t dance, don’t you dread
You still can dance in your head
I can dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

And just as she said
I’m still dancing though I'm dead
I can dance dance dance
Still can dance dance dance

 - Still Dancing

Variety - Infos
Album : Clover
Performer : Or3o
Music composer : OR3O

form added by charurubaka.
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  Chimiste de formation, je suis accidentellement devenu un super-héros justicier... pourtant, je ne paye pas de mine ! Qui suis-je ?
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