le player de génériques

Variétés - Karma (Or3o)    twitter 

So close to getting in my head
All of the dirty words you said
As lies would overflow
And drown me out of breath
But still, I held on to the edge

So go ahead and talk the talk
Cause I'll be watching as you drop
I’ll soar up to the sky as you’ll watch me from below
Fate’s on my side and it will show

Ooo, I never believed in superstitions
Ooo, but I know its in my intuition
I won’t take your bait
No need to make you pay
Cause karma’s gonna help me anyway
Watch out, Karma’s what you make

Keep on living with jealousy
Cause I’ll be better than you’ll be
So what’s the point on holding tight onto my feet
My joy will only drive you crazy

Ooo, I never believed in superstitions
Ooo, but I know its in my intuition
Revenge only delays
My time’s not worth to waste
Cause karma’s gonna help me anyway
Watch out, Karma’s what you make

I drew my way out of the dark
The words you said have left its mark
But after all this time and pain
There's one thing I really have to say
Watch out, Karma’s what you make

Ooo, I never believed in superstitions
Ooo, but I know its in my intuition
I won’t take your bait
No need to make you pay
Cause karma’s gonna help me anyway

Ahh, it feels so good to sing out after silence
I’ve had enough and you can’t keep me quiet
I’m going to be free
And all you’ll do is watch me
While, karma, karma’s gonna stay
Watch out Karma’s what you make

 - Karma

Variétés - Infos
Album : Clover
Interprète : Or3o
Compositeur : Or3o

Fiche ajoutée par charurubaka.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
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