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Variétés - Crime of love (the) (Elsa Esnoult)    twitter 

Love doesn't know the color of skin
A logic, courage and no religion
There's no book, there's no guide
You don't learn love, it's inside

Love is a rebel
It follows no law
It feels so insane
And it's a feeling so wrong

Doesn't matter who you love
Or the way that you love
Just so long as you do love
As long as you love

A story begin on that night you and me
On the stars we're alive shining bright so it seemed
But they say we're different
And we have to hide, it was as if we committed
The crime of love

A story begin on that night you and me
On the stars we're alive shining bright so it seemed
But they say we're different
And we have to hide, it was as if we committed
The crime of love

A heartbeat is so strong it can leave us as tray
And even if we're wrong we feel alive today
Why can't we share this love 'til we die
We can live we dare the heart never lies

Love is a rebel
And it follows no law
Love is so fragile
It's a feeling so float

But who care who we love
Or the way that we love
Just so long as we love
As long as we love

A story begin on that night you and me
On the stars we're alive shining bright so it seemed
But they say we're different
And we have to hide, it was as if we comitted
The crime of love

They only see how we're different but we're all the same
On a heartbeat together and this is not some game
I will be there for you forever
If you trust in me

I follow my heart
Even if they tell me I'm wrong
I will always be there for you if you believe
Doesn't matter how if you believe
Yes we will overcome
Yes we will overcome

A story begin on that night you and me
On the stars we're alive shining bright so it seemed
But they say we're different
And we have to hide, it was as if we committed
The crime of love

The crime of love


 - Crime of love (the)

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2023
Origine : France
Interprète : Elsa Esnoult
Compositeur : Jean-François Porry

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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