le player de génériques

Variétés - Love to hate you (Erasure)    twitter 

Woh Oh Oh Oh! Woh Oh Oh Oh! Woh Oh Oh Oh! Woh Oh Oh Oh!
Woh Oh Oh Oh! Woh Oh Oh Oh!
I....'m crazy flowing over with ideas
Thousand ways to woo a lover so sincere ?
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers up and down my spine

Foooor every Casanova that appears
My sense of hesitation disappears
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers up and down my spine

"And the lovers that you sent for me
Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee
So I return them to the sender
And the note attached will read
How I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you !"

Oh you really still expect me to believe
Every single letter I receive
Sorry you what a shameful situation
Sending shivers up and down my spine
I like to read murder mystery
I like to know the killer isn't me
Love and hate what a beautiful combination
Sending shivers make me quiver
Feel it sliver up and down my spine

And the lovers that you sent for me
Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee
So I return them to the sender
And the note attached will read
How I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you !

And the lovers that you sent for me
Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee
So I return them to the sender
And the note attached will read
How I love to hate you
I love to hate you
And the lovers that you sent for me
Didn't come with any satisfaction guarantee
So I return them to the sender
And the note attached will read
How I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you
I love to hate you !!!"

 - Love to hate you

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1991
Album : Chorus
Origine : Royaume-Uni
Interprète : Erasure
Compositeur : Andrew Bell / Andy Bell / Vince Clarke

Liens d'intérêt

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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