le player de génériques

Variétés - Romantic World (Dana Dawson)    twitter 

I will try (I will try)
To come and see you tonight
Fix up my face (fix up my face)
Look like a star, baby !
I will buy (I will buy)
A flower to put in my hair
So you can see (So you can see)
Just where I am
Woh oh oh

"Say you will be
The one who dances up to me
The one who takes me to the sky
Way up high
Show a growing girl
A romantic world
Say you will be
The one who dances close to me
The one who takes me to the sky
Way up high
Show a growing girl
A romantic world "

I can't lie (i can't lie)
I would not miss opening night
You're just the best (You're just the best)
On your guitar, baby !
But I won't try ( but I won't try)
No, I can't stay out all night
I must return (i must return)
Before midnight woo oo

"Say you will be
The one who dances up to me
The one who takes me to the sky
Way up high
Show a growing girl
A romantic world
Say you will be
The one who dances close to me
The one who takes me to the sky
Way up high
Show a growing girl
A romantic world " (ad lib)

 - Romantic World

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1990
Album : Paris, New York and Me
Origine : USA
Interprète : Dana Dawson
Compositeur : Romano Musumarra/ Porter Carroll

Fiche ajoutée par Tigrette.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
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