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Variétés - Shadows of the night / Harden my heart (Mary J. Blige, Julianne Hough)    twitter 

You said oh girl it's a cold world when you keep it all to yourself
I said you can't hide on the inside all the pain you ever felt
You better ransom your heart and baby don't look back
'Cause we got nobody else

We're running with the shadows of the night
So baby take my hand, it'll be alright
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight
They'll come true in the end

I'm gonna harden my heart (harden your heart)
I'm gonna swallow my tears (swallow your tears)
I'm gonna turn and leave you here

Darlin' in my wildest dreams, I never thought I'd go
But it's time to let you know, oh

We're running with the shadows of the night
So baby take my hand, it'll be alright
Surrender all your dreams to me tonight (turn and leave you here)
They'll come true in the end

 - Shadows of the night / Harden my heart

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2012
Film : Rock of Ages
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : Mary J. Blige, Julianne Hough

Fiche ajoutée par doludo.
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  Tibidibidi, Tibidibido...Tibidibidi, Tibidibidu ...De quelle émission vient cet air ?
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