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Variety - (Phats & Small)    twitter 

Hey! What's wrong with you?
You're lookin' kind of down to me
'Cause things ain't gettin' over
Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around

Hey! What's wrong with you?
You're lookin' kind of down to me
'Cause things ain't gettin' over
Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around

Hey! What's wrong with you?
You're lookin' kind of down to me
'Cause things ain't gettin' over
Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around

Hey! What's wrong with you?
You're lookin' kind of down to me
'Cause things ain't gettin' over
Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around

Ooooh, oooh,
Ooooh, oooh,

Hey! What's wrong with you?
You're lookin' kind of down to me
'Cause things ain't gettin' over
Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around
Got to turn around

Listen to what I say

Got to turn around
Got to turn around

 - Turn around

Variety - Infos
Date : 1999
Album : Now Phats What I Small Music
Origin : Royaume-Uni
Performer : Phats & Small
Music composer : Lee James Anthony/Joseph William Tucci

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je suis née en 1937 et je suis apparue pour la première fois dans "Pulp Magazine". Mes parents ont été tués dans un safari et c'est une sorcière africaine qui m'a élévée. Aujourd'hui, je communique avec les animaux. Je suis ?
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