le player de génériques

Variétés - Black Betty (Ramjam)    twitter 

whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-A-lam)
Black betty had a child (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone wild (bam-A-lam)
She said "I'm worrin' outta my mind" (bam-A-lam)
The damn thing gone blind (bam-A-lam)
I said oh black betty (bam-A-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)

whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
She really gets me high (bam-BA-lam)
You know that's no lie (bam-BA-lam)
She's so rock steady (bam-BA-lam)
She's always ready (bam-BA-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)

Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
She's from birmingham (bam-BA-lam)
Way down in alabam' (bam-BA-lam)
Well' shes shakin' that thing (bam-BA-lam)
Boy she makes me sing (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty (bam-BA-lam)
Whoa, black betty

 - Black Betty

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1977
Interprète : Ramjam
Compositeur : Huddie Ledbetter

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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