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Variétés - Feed The Machine (Poor Man's Poison)    twitter 

Here's to the greater good, for all
Do what you know you should, for all
We all may die

Something's going on, just look around
Fear is on the rise and there's blood all over the ground
Let's all just blindfold the poor, we must remind them what's in store
We got 'em now, just break 'em down a little bit more

I said, "Hey (hey), you (you), feed the machine
Bring them all back down to their knees
There's no time to waste, remind the slaves
They ain't gonna make it out alive today"

I said, "Hey (hey), you (you), poison the well
Watch it all burn, take them straight to hell
He's got the whole (whole) world (world) in his hands
It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon"

Nothing's going on, no need to fear
And we're all in this together, and just to make it all clear
We want the same thing as you, this will all be over soon
Now here's a little pill, here's the truth

We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna
We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna
We're all gonna die

"Hey, you, feed the machine
Bring them all back down to their knees
There's no time to waste, remind the slaves
They ain't gonna make it out alive today"

I said, "Hey (hey), you (you), poison the well
Watch it all burn, take them straight to hell
He's got the whole (whole) world (world) in his hands
It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon"
(C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)
We've all been damned, c'mon

I said, "Hey (hey), you (you), feed the machine
Bring 'em all back down to their knees
There's no time to waste, remind the slaves
They ain't gonna make it out alive today"

I said, "Hey (hey) you (you), poison the well
Watch it all burn, take them straight to hell
He's got the whole (whole) world (world) in his hands
It was nice to know ya, we've all been damned, c'mon!"

(C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)
We've all been damned, c'mon
(C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon)
We've all been damned, c'mon

 - Feed The Machine

Variétés - Infos
Album : Feed The Machine
Interprète : Poor Man's Poison
Compositeur : Ryan Hakker Dustin Medeiros Michael Jacobs Thomas McCarthy

Fiche ajoutée par charurubaka.
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