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Variety - (Shania Twain)    twitter 

Let's go girls, come on
I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alright
Gonna let it all hang out
Want to make some noise-really raise my voice
Yeah, I want to scream and shout

No inhibitions-make no conditions
Get a little outta line
I ain't gonna act politically correct
I only want to have a good time

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I want to be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only want to dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I want to be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

The best thing about being a woman
Is the prerogative to have a little fun and

Oh, oh, oh, go totally crazy-forget I'm a lady
Men's shirts, short skirts
Oh, oh, oh, really go wild-yeah, doin' it in style
Oh, oh, oh, get in the action-feel the attraction
Color my hair-do what I dare
Oh, oh, oh, I want to be free-yeah, to feel the way I feel
Man! I feel like a woman!

I get totally crazy
Can you feel it
Come, come, come on baby
I feel like a woman

 - Man I feel like a woman

Variety - Infos
Date : 1997
Album : Come on over
Origin : Canada
Performer : Shania Twain
Music composer : Shania Twain/ Robert John "Mutt" Lange

form added by coucoucircus.
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