le player de génériques

Variety - (Twisted Sister)    twitter 

One, two, three, four
Oh, yeah, that's sweet, it's sweet

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles a

Hey, hey, hey, guys! Guys! (What's the matter, man? What's goin' on?)
What is this crap? (Well, you know, we're um)
This isn't Twisted Sister (yeah, we thought that we would)
This, is Twisted Sister

Oh, I see what you mean
We never play anything nice and easy
We play things nice and twisted!

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away

Here we are, as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Oh, oh, oh, let's go
Oh, oh, oh, let's go

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on, our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away

Here we are, as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more

Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

Oh, oh, oh, let's go
Oh, oh, oh, let's go
Oh, oh, oh, let's go
Oh, oh, oh, let's go

 - Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Variety - Infos
Date : 2006
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Twisted Sister

form added by fulguropoings.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Hypocondriaque, râleuse, enquiquineuse, perturbée, mauvaise langue et insatisfaite chronique, j'aurais voulu m'appeler Gisèle et je téléphone toujours à Eusèbe ! Le métier d'Eusèbe ? Trouvez qui je suis, vous saurez qui il est !
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