le player de génériques

Variétés - Heavy Metal Christmas (Twisted Sister)    twitter 

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
A tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Eight pentagrams
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Nine tattered t-shirts
Eight pentagrams
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
Ten pairs of platforms
Nine tattered t-shirts
Eight pentagrams
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
11 black mascaras
Ten pairs of platforms
Nine tattered t-shirts
Eight pentagrams
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

On my heavy metal Christmas, my true love gave to me
12 silver crosses
11 black mascaras
Ten pairs of platforms
Nine tattered t-shirts
Eight pentagrams
Seven leather jackets
Six cans of hairspray
Five skull earrings
Four quarts of Jack
Three studded belts
Two pairs of spandex pants
And a tattoo of Ozzy

 - Heavy Metal Christmas

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 2006
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : Twisted Sister

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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