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Variety - (U2)    twitter 

They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
But instead it just keeps on raining
A veil of tears for the virgin birth

I remember on Christmas morning
A winter’s light and a distant choir
And the peal of a bell, the Christmas tree smell
Eyes full of tinsel and fire

They sold me a dream of Christmas
They sold me a Silent Night
They sold me a fairy story
But I believe in the Israelite

I believed in Father Christmas
I looked to the sky with excited eyes
Till I woke with a yawn in the first light of dawn
And saw him through his disguise

I wish you a hopeful Christmas
I wish you a brave New Year
All anguish, pain and sadness
Leave your heart, let your road be clear

They said there’ll be snow at Christmas
They said there’ll be peace on Earth
Hallelujah Noel be it heaven or hell
The Christmas we get we deserve


 - I Believe in Father Christmas

Variety - Infos
Date : 2008
Origin : Irlande
Performer : U2
Music composer : Greg Lake

form added by fulguropoings.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Nous sommes en 1910. Je suis un inventeur américain et je vis en Angleterre. Mon "associé" est journaliste et écrivain. Mes géniales inventions nous causent bien des soucis. Nous sommes poursuivis par la pègre, des traficants, et tout un tas de gens peu recommendables. Nous sommes ?
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