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Variety - (Texas)    twitter 

I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I don't want a lover
I just need a friend

You can't just leave me
To face life on my own
I know you don't love me no more
I knew this day it would come
Even when it cuts so deep
It's true I still want you
But the harder I try
The more I seem to lose

I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I've had time to recover
Now that I know it wasn't love

It's always a different story
When it's me who's in the wrong
But you can't have it all
Cause I'm the one who's strong
I've already been burnt before
Once but never again
I know the time will come
That's when you need me then

I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I've had time to recover
Now that I know it wasn't love
I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I've had time to recover
Now that I know it wasn't love

You don't even care
About what I'm saying
You don't even think
What you're doing
All you see is what you want it to be
But in there there's just no room for me

I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I've had time to recover
Now that I know it wasn't love

You don't even care
About what I'm saying
You don't even think
What you're doing
All you see is what you want it to be
But in there there's just no room for me

I don't want a lover
I just need a friend
I've had time to recover
Now that I know it wasn't love

I don't want a lover
I just need a prayer

I know you never cared
Now that I know it wasn't love.

 - I don't want a lover

Variety - Infos
Date : 1989
Album : Southside
Origin : Ecosse
Performer : Texas
Music composer : John McElhone, Sharleen Spiteri

form added by coucoucircus.
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