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Variety - (The Kinks)    twitter 

Out in the country
Far from all the soot and noise of the city
There's a village green.
It's been a long time
Since I last set eyes on the church with the steeple
Down by the village green.

'T was there I met a girl called Daisy
And kissed her by the old oak tree
Although I loved my Daisy, I sought fame and so I left the village green.

I miss the village green and all the simple people
I miss the village green, the church, the clock, the steeple
I miss the morning dew, fresh air and sunday school.

And now all the houses
Are rare antiquities, american tourists
Flock to see the village green.
They snap their photograph
And say "God darn it, isn't it a pretty scene".
And Daisy married Tom the grocer boy and now he owns the grocery.

I miss the village green and all the simple people
I miss the village green, the church, the clock, the steeple
I miss the morning dew, fresh air and sunday school.

And I will return there
And I'll see Daisy
And we'll sip tea, laugh and talk about the village green.

We will laugh and talk about the village green.

 - Village Green

Variety - Infos
Date : 1968
Album : The Kinks Are The Village Green Preservation Society
Origin : Angleterre
Performer : The Kinks
Music composer : Ray Davies

form added by wingmanfr.
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