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Variétés - Here comes the hotstepper (Ini Kamoze)    twitter 

Hit It!
Nah, na na na nah...

Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer
Pick up the crew in-a de area, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

No no we don't die, yes we mul-ti-ply
Anyone test will hear the fat lady sing
Act like you know, Rico
I know what Bo don't know
Touch them up and go, uh-oh!
Ch-ch-chang chang

Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer
Excuse me mister officer, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

Extraordinary, juice like a strawberry
Money to burn baby, all of the time
Cut to fade is me, fade to cut is she
Come juggle with me, I say everytime

Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer
Dial emergency number, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

Nah, na na na nah... it's how we do it man
Nah, na na na nah...

Start like a jackrabbit, finish in front of it
On the night is jack , that's it, understand?
I'm the daddy of the mack daddy
His are left in gold, maybe
Ain't no homie gonna play me, top celebrity man

Murderer, I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer
Excuse me mister officer, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

No no we don't die, yes we mul-ti-ply
Anyone test will hear the fat lady sing
Act like you know, G go, I know what Bo don't know
Touch them up and go, uh-oh
Ch-ch-chang chang

Nah, na na na nah... yeah man
Nah, na na na nah...right

Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I'm the lyrical gangster, murderer
Big up all crew bow ya, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

Here comes the hotstepper, murderer
I'm the lyrical danger, murderer
Pick up the crew in-a the area, murderer
Still love you like that, murderer

Here comes the Hotstepper
I'm the lyrical gangster
I'm a live in-a me danger
Still love you like thaaaaat

Hey, da da da da...

 - Here comes the hotstepper

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1994
Album : Here comes the hotstepper
Film : Prêt à porter
Origine : Jamaique
Interprète : Ini Kamoze
Compositeur : I. Kamoze, S. Gibbs, Kenner, Domino, A. Konley, K. Nix

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  Je parle souvent avec Dorothée , je porte des lunettes de soleil et j'ai les oreilles rose parce que j'ai mangé trop de fleurs. Qui suis je ?
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