le player de génériques

Variety - (The Selecter)    twitter 

I bought my baby a red radio
He played it all day a go-go a go-go
He liked to dance to it down in the streets
He said he loved me but he loved the beat

But when I switch on I rotate the dial
I could see it there driving him so wild
I bought my baby a red radio
He said he loved me but he had to go

It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
On my radio on my radio on my radio

I bought my baby a red radio
He played it all a go-go a go-go
He liked to dance to it down in the streets
He said he loved me but he loved the beat

It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
On my radio on my radio on my radio

It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
On my radio on my radio on my radio on my radio

It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio
It just the same old show on my radio

I bought my baby a red radio
A red radio a go-go a go-go
A red radio I rotate the dial
A red radio driving him so wild
A red radio he had to go

 - On my radio

Variety - Infos
Date : 1979
Album : On my radio
Origin : Angleterre
Performer : The Selecter
Music composer : Winston Bailey - Hylton Beckford - Derrick Leapold Crooks - Delroy Wilson

form added by coucoucircus.
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  Les bulles ça vous éclate ? Et bien nous, on joue plutôt à les faire éclater ! Un vrai casse tête parfois ! De quoi parle t-on ? Et bien, de ...
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