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Variety - (Avicii)    twitter 

Hey Brother
There's an endless road to redsicover
Hey sister know the waters sweet but blood is thicker
If the sky comes falling down!
For you!
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
Hey Brother
Do you still believe in one another
Hey sister
Do you still believe in love I Wonder
If the sky comes falling down
For you
There's nothing in world I wouldn't do
What if I far from home
Oh Brother I will hear you call
What if I loose it all
Oh Sister I will help you out
If the sky comes falling down
For you
there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

Hey brother
there's an endless road to rediscover
Hey sister
Do you still believe in love I Wonder
If the sky comes falling down
for you
there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do
What if I far from home
Oh brother I will hear you call
What if I loose it all
Oh sister I will help you out
If the sky comes falling down
for you
There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do

 - Hey Brother

Variety - Infos
Date : 2013
Album : Hey Brother
Origin : Suède
Performer : Avicii
Music composer : Tim Bergling

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Hypocondriaque, râleuse, enquiquineuse, perturbée, mauvaise langue et insatisfaite chronique, j'aurais voulu m'appeler Gisèle et je téléphone toujours à Eusèbe ! Le métier d'Eusèbe ? Trouvez qui je suis, vous saurez qui il est !
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