le player de génériques

Variety - (Cats on Trees)    twitter 

Whatever way, the same
Nothing according to plan
If i could just see clearly, into you
The same face every day, the sirens calling away
This mean so much more

The floating boat is carrying me
and i can live my story differently
the greedy sirens are chewing all around me
While i sing oh
On the falling shoals, i wonder why me ?
On my way to the falls, i hope you see
We are heading to the wall even if you are sorry,
While i sing oh

In my sleep, nothing same
nothing according to plan
If i could be someone, without you
The same smile everyday
The sirens calling away
This mean so much more

The floating boat is carrying me
and i can live my story differently
the greedy sirens are chewing all around me
While i sing oh

In my sleep, nothing same
nothing according to plan
If i could be someone, without you
The same smile everyday
The sirens calling away
This mean so much more
This mean so much more

The floating boat is carrying me
and i can live my story differently

The floating boat is carrying me
and i can live my story differently
the greedy sirens are chewing all around me
While i sing oh
On the falling shoals, i wonder why me ?
On my way to the falls, i hope you see
We are heading to the wall even if you are sorry,
While i sing oh

 - Sirens Call

Variety - Infos
Date : 2013
Album : Cats on Trees
Origin : France
Performer : Cats on Trees
Music composer : Nina Goern, Yohan Hennequin

form added by coucoucircus.
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