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Variétés - High on Emotion (Chris De Burgh)    twitter 

High On Emotion Lyrics
by Chris De Burgh

Oh my heart is spinning like a wheel,
Only she can see the way that I fell,
Eyes are holding right across the room,
High explosion coming out of the blue;

Well here we go again,
Living in a world that others cannot share,
Yea here we go again,
We are moving from a spark to a flame;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;

Oh my heart is burning like a fire,
Closer now and she is breathing desire,
Take my hand and give it all your light,
Take command I am your rhythm tonight;

Well here we go again,
Living in a world that others cannot share,
Yea here we go again,
We are moving from a spark to a flame;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;
High on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way.
Oh my heart is spinning like a wheel,
Only she can see the way that I fell,
Eyes are holding right across the room,
High explosion coming out of the blue;

Well here we go again,
Living in a world that others cannot share,
Yea here we go again,
We are moving from a spark to a flame;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;

Oh my heart is burning like a fire,
Closer now and she is breathing desire,
Take my hand and give it all your light,
Take command I am your rhythm tonight;

Well here we go again,
Living in a world that others cannot share,
Yea here we go again,
We are moving from a spark to a flame;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;

I am high on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way;
High on emotion, high again,
High on emotion, your love will find the way.

 - High on Emotion

Variétés - Infos
Album : High on Emotion
Origine : Irlande
Interprète : Chris De Burgh
Compositeur : Chris De Burgh

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  Nous sommes en 1910. Je suis un inventeur américain et je vis en Angleterre. Mon "associé" est journaliste et écrivain. Mes géniales inventions nous causent bien des soucis. Nous sommes poursuivis par la pègre, des traficants, et tout un tas de gens peu recommendables. Nous sommes ?
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