le player de génériques

Variety - (Kool & The Gang)    twitter 

Let's take a walk together near the ocean shore
hand in hand you and I.
Let's cherish ev'ry moment we have been given
for time is passing by.
I often pray before I lay down by your side;
If you receive your calling before I awake
Could I make it through the night?

Cherish the love we have
we should cherish the life we live
Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.

Cherish the love we have for as long as we both shall live
Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.

The world is always changing
nothing stays the same
But love was stand the test of time.
The next life that we live in remains to be seen
Will you be by my side?
I offen pray before I lay down by your side; . . .

Cherish the love we have
we should cherish the life we live - baby yeah -
Cherish the love
cherish the life - oh yeah -
cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have - while we're together -
For as long as we both shall live - will you love me -
Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.

Cherish the love
cherish the life.
Cherish the love we have
we should cherish the life we live

Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have - ev'ry night when I think about you -
For as long as we both shall live -
I pray that my dream will come true
Cherish the love
cherish the life -
I do - cherish the love.

Cherish the love we have -
We have cherished ev'ry moment we have together -
We should cherish the life we live - hand in hand
you and I -
Cherish the love
cherish the life - baby - cherish the love.
Cherish the love we have for as long as we both shall live

Cherish the love
cherish the life
cherish the love.

 - Cherish

Variety - Infos
Date : 1984
Album : Cherish
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : Kool & The Gang
Music composer : Ronald Bell , Charles Smith , Kool , George Brown , Curtis Williams , James Bonnefond , J.T. Taylor

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Ma rivale est adulée de tous, cela me rend folle hystérique ! Même mon producteur n'a d'yeux que pour elle. Remarquez, c'est assez facile, il ne lui suffit que de prononcer une formule magique et la voilà changée en star de la chanson. Qui suis-je ?
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