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Variétés - Dream (P. Lion)    twitter 

I'm singing there on the moon
We cannot see the sunshine
The city is too great for us
I hope to see the moon tonight again
I like to think when you're with me
And stay in only my mind
I dream to go so far with you
But now we have to wait tonight again

Dream in the moon
I'm singing in the night
Light up your eyes
Dream in the night
I'm singing on the moon
Light up your eyes

I'm singing there on the moon
Now I can see the sunshine
This space is beautiful for me
I want to stay alone tonight again
Then music goes to my heart
I feel the peace in my mind
So in the morning I come back
But now want to see tonight again

Dream in the moon
I'm singing in the night
Light up your eyes
Dream in the night
I'm singing on the moon
Light up your eyes

Dream in the night
Dream in the night
Dream in the night, oh

 - Dream

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1984
Album : Dream
Origine : Italie
Interprète : P. Lion
Compositeur : Paolo Pelandi

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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