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Variétés - Stop (Sam Brown)    twitter 

All that I have is all that you've given me
Did you ever worry that I'd come to depend on you
I gave you all the love I had in me
Now I find you've lied and I can't believe it's true

Wrapped in her arms I see you across the street
And I can't help but wonder if she knows what's going on
You talk of love but you don't know how it feels
When you realise that you're not the only one

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
You'd better stop before you go and break my heart
Ooh you'd better stop

Time after time I've tried to walk away
But it's not that easy when your soul is torn in two
So I just resign myself to it every day
Now all I can do is to leave it up to you

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
You'd better stop before you go and break my heart
Ooh you'd better stop

Stop if love me
(you will remember)
Now's the time to be sorry
(that day forever)
I won't believe that you'd walk out on me

Oh you'd better stop before you tear me all apart
You'd better stop before you go and break my heart
Ooh you'd better stop

 - Stop

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Album : Stop
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Sam Brown
Compositeur : Sam Brown, Gregg Sutton, Bruce Brody

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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  Les bulles ça vous éclate ? Et bien nous, on joue plutôt à les faire éclater ! Un vrai casse tête parfois ! De quoi parle t-on ? Et bien, de ...
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