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Variétés - Such a Shame (Talk Talk)    twitter 

Such a shame
to believe in escape.
'A life on every face'
But that's a change,
until I'm finally left with an '8'.
Tell me to relax - I just stare.
Maybe I don't know
if I should change
a feeling that we share.
It's a shame

(such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

It's a shame

The dice decide my fate
that's a shame
In these trembling hands my faith
tells me to react
"I don't care"
Maybe it's unkind if I should change
a feeling that we share.
It's a shame

(such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such A shame


Tell me to relax - I just stare.
Maybe I don't know
if I should change
a feeling that we share.
It's a shame

(such a shame)

Number me with rage
It's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste It's a shame (such a shame)
Write across my name it's a shame (such a shame)
Number me in haste (such a shame)
This eagerness to change

Such A Shame

 - Such a Shame

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1984
Album : Such a Shame
Origine : Angleterre
Interprète : Talk Talk
Compositeur : Mark Hollis

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Les origines de ce personnage remontent au Moyen-Âge mais lui est résolument moderne ! Vous ne me croyez pas ? Prenez votre dico ! ...Vous ne le retrouvez pas ? Ah bon ? Mais qui a bien pu vous le voler ?
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