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Variety - (Tears for Fears)    twitter 

Let it aloud
These are the things i can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on

In violent times
You shouldn't have to sell your soul
In black and white
They really really ought to know
Those one track minds
That took you for a working boy
Kiss them goodbye
You shouldn't have to jump for joy
You shouldn't have to jump for joy

Let it aloud
These are the things i can do without

Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on

They gave you life
And in return you gave them hell
As cold as ice
I hope we live to tell the tale
I hope we live to tell the tale

Let it aloud
These are the things i can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on

And when you've taken down your guard
If i could change your mind
I'd really love to break your heart
I'd really love to break your heart

Let it aloud
These are the things i can do without
Come on
I'm talking to you
Come on

 - Shout

Variety - Infos
Date : 1984
Album : Shout
Origin : Royaume Uni
Performer : Tears for Fears
Music composer : Roland Orzabal, Ian Stanley

form added by coucoucircus.
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