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Variétés - No Limit (2 Unlimited)    twitter 

Let me hear you say Yeah!

No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit!
No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit!

No no limits, we'll reach for the sky!
No valley too deep, no mountain too high
No no limits, won't give up the fight
We do what we want and we do it with pride

Let me hear you say Yeah!

Hard to the core, I feel the floor
When I'm on the stage, yo, yo'll ask for more
I'm on the ass, I know the last
I work real hard do you like my cash

Tick tick ticka tick take your time
When I'm goin' I'm goin' for mine
Open you ears and you will hear it
I tell you this 'cause there's no limit!

No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit!
No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no there's no limit!

No no limits, we'll reach for the sky!
No valley too deep, no mountain too high
No no limits, won't give up the fight
We do what we want and we do it with pride

No limits allowed, cause there's much crowd
Microphone check as I choose my rhyme
I'm playing on the road; I've got no fear
The sound for my mouth is the rap you hear
No valley too deep, no mountain too high
Reach the top, touch the sky!
They tried to diss me cause I sell out
I'm making techno when I am proud!

No no limits, we'll reach for the sky!
No valley too deep, no mountain too high
No no limits, won't give up the fight
We do what we want and we do it with pride

 - No Limit

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1992
Album : No Limit
Origine : Belgique, Hollande
Interprète : 2 Unlimited
Compositeur : Phil Wilde, Jean-Paul De Coster, Ray Slijngaard, Anita Dels

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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