le player de génériques

Variety - (Martin Tungevaag)    twitter 

I've been thinking bout wrong,
I've been thinking bout right
I just wanna thrive, I don't wanna fight
I don't wanna fight

Can you see the flickering lights, baby?
Put your glass up in the air, with me
Hollar hollar, let them hear us, loudly
Our top is off, let's show them off proudly

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Is this a fairytale? I see a hacienda
No hablo English, but you're on my agenda
Where are all my friends at?

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Can you see the flickering lights, baby?
Put your glass up in the air, with me
Hollar hollar, let them hear us, loudly
Our top is off, let's show them off proudly

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Wicked wicked Wonderland
Wicked wicked Wonderland
Wicked wicked
Wicked wicked
Wicked wicked Wonderland

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

Wicked wicked Wonderland
It's like crossing the Rio Grande
You gotta have the cash in store
To reappear on our front door

 - Wicked Wonderland

Variety - Infos
Date : 2014
Album : Wicked Wonderland
Origin : Norvège
Performer : Martin Tungevaag
Music composer : Henning Olerud, Martin Tungevaag, Serena West

form added by coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Même si c'est ennuyeux parfois, il faut bosser, bosser, bosser, bosser ! Ces petits êtres chantent en bossant, bossant, bossant, bossant, oui ! Mais en anglais ! Dans quelle série ?
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