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Variety - (HammerFall)    twitter 

Snow is falling down on this glorious land
Colors fading, turning into white again
To fallen heroes angels sing, they cry their winter tears
Endless mourning days will turn to years

So this is goodbye, I take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away now

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Every solemn moment I will treasure inside
Even though it's hard to understand
That a silent wind can blow that candle out
Taking everything leaving the pain far behind

You call out my name, but your voice is fading
Into the wind, embraced, you'll fly away now, fly away now

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

My eyes are closed I feel you're faraway (so close)
Far beyond that shining star
I know you'll find what you've been fighting for
Far beyond that shining star

Down on bended knee I pray, bring courage to these souls
Make 'em live forever in the heart of the bold
So I say farewell my friends, I hope we'll meet again
When my time has come to fall from the grace

So this is goodbye, I take leave of you and
Spread your wings and you will fly away now, fly away now

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

Nothing on earth stays forever
But none of your deeds were in vain
Deep in our hearts you will live again
You're gone to the home of the brave

 - Glory to the brave

Variety - Infos
Date : 1997
Album : Glory to the brave
Origin : Suède
Performer : HammerFall
Music composer : Oscar Dronjak, Jesper Strömblad, Joacim Cans

form added by fulguropoings.
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