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Variétés - She's Like the Wind (Patrick Swayze)    twitter 

She's like the wind through my tree
She rides the night next to me
She leads me through moonlight
Only to burn me with the sun
She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league

Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

I look in the mirror and all I see
Is a young old man with only a dream
Am I just fooling myself
That she'll stop the pain
Living without her
I'd go insane

Feel her breath on my face
Her body close to me
Can't look in her eyes
She's out of my league

Just a fool to believe
I have anything she needs
She's like the wind

Feel your breath on my face
Your body close to me
Can't look in your eyes
You're out of my league

Just a fool to believe (Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind (Just a fool to believe)
Just a fool to believe (She's like the wind)
Just a fool to believe (Just a fool to believe)
She's like the wind (Just a fool to believe)
Just a fool to believe
She's like the wind Just a fool...(She's like the wind)
(She's like the wind)
(Just a fool...)
(She's like the wind)
(Just a fool...)

 - She's Like the Wind

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1987
Album : BOF
Film : Dirty Dancing
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : Patrick Swayze
Compositeur : Patrick Swayze, Stacy Widelitz

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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