le player de génériques

Variety - (The Five Satins)    twitter 

In the still of the night
I held you, held you tight
'Cause I love, love you so
Promise I'll never let you go
In the still of the night
(In the still of the night)

I remember (I remember) that night in May (I remember)
The stars (I remember) were bright above (I remember)
I'll hold (I remember) and I'll pray (I remember)
To keep your precious love

Well before the light
Hold me again
With all of your might
In the still of the night
(In the still of the night)

So before the light
Hold me again
With all of your might
In the still of the night
(In the still of the night)

In the still of the night...

 - In the Still of the Night

Variety - Infos
Date : 1956
Album : Dirty Dancing (1987) Soundtrack (2007)
Origin : Etats-Unis
Performer : The Five Satins
Music composer : Fred Parris

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Quand un futur "expert new-yorkais" rencontre une future "agent du FBI" sur l'île de Glory, c'est pour enquêter sur d'évènements étranges. Saurez vous donner le titre de cette série ?
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