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Variétés - California Dreamin' (The Beach Boys)    twitter 

All the leaves are brown
And the sky is grey
I went for a walk
On a winter's day
I'd be safe and warm
If I was in L.A.
California dreamin'
On such a winter's day

I stopped into a church (stopped into a church)
I passed along the way (passed along the way)
Well, I got down on my knees (got down on my knees)
And I pretend to pray (I pretend to pray)
You know , the preacher likes the cold (preacher likes the cold)
He knows I'm gonna stay (knows I'm gonna stay)
Oh, California dreamin' (California dreamin')

On such a winter's day

All the leaves are brown (the leaves are brown)
And the sky is grey (and the sky is grey)
I went for a walk (I went for a walk)
On a winter's day (on a winter's day)
If I didn't tell her (If I didn't her)
I could leave today (I could leave today)

Oh, California dreamin' (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day (California dreamin')
On such a winter's day

 - California Dreamin'

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1965
Album : The Very Best of The Beach Boys
Origine : Etats-Unis
Interprète : The Beach Boys
Compositeur : John Phillips, Michelle Phillips

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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