le player de génériques

Variety - (Klingande feat. Broken Back)    twitter 

You’ve tasted the pain of losing someone
Who broke her chains
Don’t even look back
At these wasted moments ’cause
Future ain’t what it used to be
She is not to blame
You shook the tree
Feel what should fall
As you could see
Restart the game

You’ve tasted the pain of losing someone
Who broke her chains
Don’t even look back
At these wasted moments ’cause
Future ain’t what it used to be
She is not to blame
You shook the tree
Feel what should fall
As you could see
Restart the game

You can’t stay for years
Crying all your tears
Move your freaking ass
Forget about the past

You are not out of mind
Down this road you’ll find
Answers to your pain
Just walk to make it end

You’ve tasted the pain of losing someone
Who broke her chains
Don’t even look back
At these wasted moments ’cause
Future ain’t what it used to be
She is not to blame
You shook the tree
Feel what should fall
As you could see
Restart the game

You’ve tasted the pain of losing someone
Who broke her chains
Don’t even look back
At these wasted moments ’cause
Future ain’t what it used to be
She is not to blame
You shook the tree
Feel what should fall
As you could see
Restart the game

 - Riva (Restart the Game)

Variety - Infos
Date : 2015
Album : Riva (Restart the Game)
Origin : France
Performer : Klingande feat. Broken Back
Music composer : Steinmyller Cedric, Fagnet Jerome

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  J'étais flic... j'ai démissionné après avoir tué accidentellement mon partenaire. Depuis, je suis animateur sur une radio nocturne. Je suis ?
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