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Variétés - It's a Heartache (Bonnie Tyler)    twitter 

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down

It's a fool's game
Nothing but a fools game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he lets you down

It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care for you
It ain't wise to need someone
As much as I depended on you

It's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Hits you when it's too late
Hits you when you're down

It's a fool's game
Nothing but a fools game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown

[Instrumental Interlude]

It ain't right with love to share
When you find he doesn't care for you
It ain't wise to need someone
As much as I depended on you

Oh, it's a heartache
Nothing but a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he lets you down

It's a fools game
Standing in the cold rain
Feeling like a clown
It's a heartache
Love him till your arms break
Then he lets you down
It's a fools game
Standing in the cold rain...

 - It's a Heartache

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1978
Interprète : Bonnie Tyler

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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