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Variétés - Kylie Minogue - The Loco-motion (Kylie Minogue - The Loco-motion)    twitter 

Everybody's doin' a brand new dance now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
I know you'll get to like it
If you give it a chance now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
My little baby sister can do it with ease
It's easier than learning your a b c's
So come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me

You gotta swing your hips now
Come on baby, jump up, hmmm jump back
Oh well I think you got the knack

Now that you can do it
Let's make a chain now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
Chug-a chug-a motion like a railway train now
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
Do it nice and easy now don't lose control
A little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul
So come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me
You gotta swing your hips now
Come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me

Chug chug [sampling]

Move around the floor in a loco-motion
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
Do it holding hands if you got the notion
(C'mon baby do the loco-motion)
There's never been a dance that's so easy to do
It even makes you happy
When you're feeling blue
So come on come on do the loco-motion with me
You gotta swing your hips now

Come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me
Come on, come on,
Do the loco-motion with me
You gotta swing your hips now

 - Kylie Minogue - The Loco-motion

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1988
Interprète : Kylie Minogue - The Loco-motion

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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