le player de génériques

Variety - (B-Movie)    twitter 

Nowhere girl you're living in a dream,
Nowhere girl you stay behind the scenes,
Nowhere girl you never go outside,
Nowhere girl 'cause you prefer to hide.

Every day, every might
In that all old familiar light
You hang up when I call you at home.
And I try to get through
Ant I try to talk to you
But there's something stopping me from getting through.

Nowhere girl what you had you need,
Nowhere girl all functional and neat,
Nowhere girl in self-imposed exile,
Nowhere girl a martyr-like denial.

Every day, every might
In that all old familiar light
You hang up when I call you at home.
And I try to get through
Ant I try to talk to you
But there's something stopping me from getting through.

No way girl [Repeat: x 4]

Every day, every might
In that all old familiar light
You hang up when I call you at home.
And I try to get through
Ant I try to talk to you
But there's something stopping me from getting through.

 - Nowhere girl

Variety - Infos
Date : 1985
Performer : B-Movie

form added by coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans la série "Raising Hope", Lucy Carlyle la tueuse en série et mère de Hope lui avait donné un tout autre nom au départ, lequel ?
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