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Variétés - I Owe You Nothing (Bros)    twitter 

I'll watch you crumble
Like a very old wall
And I'll see you stranded
You took me for a fool

I'll have my revenge
'Cause I owe you nothing, nothing at all
I owe you nothing, nothing at all
I owe you nothing, nothing, nothing at all
Nothing, nothing at all

I'll watch you suffer
With no feelings, no feelings at all
And I'll see you desperate
You won't hear my call

And he who laughs last
Owes you sweet nothing, nothing at all
I owe you nothing, nothing at all
I owe you nothing, nothing, nothing at all

I was yours and you were mine
But you ran around and told me lies
But you got big, big trouble

I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing
I owe you nothing

 - I Owe You Nothing

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1988
Interprète : Bros

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Chut ! Mais que se passe t-il dans la salle de jeu quand les enfants ferment la porte ? Chut !
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