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Variétés - Living In The Plastic Age (The Buggles)    twitter 

Every day my metal friend
Shakes my bed at 6 AM
Then the shiny serving clones
Run in with my telephones

Talking fast I make a deal
Buy the fake and sell what's real
Ah, what's this pain here in my chest?
Maybe I should take a rest

They send the heart police
To put you under cardiac arrest
And as they drag you the door
They tell you that you've failed the test

(Living in the)
Living in the Plastic Age
Looking only half my age
Hello, doctor, lift my face
I wish my skin could stand the pace

In the bed I read my mind
Remember how the mice were blind
I watch them fighting in their cage
Could this be the Plastic Age?

They send the heart police
To put you under cardiac arrest
And as they drag you through the door
They tell you that you've failed the test

(Living in the)
Plastic Age
Plastic Age
Plastic Age

They send the heart police
To put you under cardiac arrest
And as they drag you the door
They tell you that you've failed the test

(Living in the)

Plastic Age
Plastic Age
Plastic Age

 - Living In The Plastic Age

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1980
Interprète : The Buggles

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Des montagnes, un vieux trappeur, un ours, un âne, un indien, un homme injustement accusé de meurtre ... voilà le cadre d'une série champêtre pleine de charme et de naturel mais quel est son nom ?
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