le player de génériques

- Johnny and Mary (Robert Palmer)    twitter 

Johnny's always running around
Trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm
That he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Knows he tires easily

Johnny thinks the world would be right
If it could buy truth from him
Mary says he changes his mind
More than a woman
But she made her bed
Even when the chance was slim

Johnny says he's willing to learn
When he decides he's a fool
Johnny says he'll live anywhere
When he earns time to
Mary combs her hair
Says she should be used to it

Mary always hedges her bets
She never knows what to think
She says that he still acts like he's
Being discovered
Scared that he'll be caught
Without a second thought
Running around

Johnny feels he's wasting his breath
Trying to talk sense to her
Mary says he's lacking a real
Sense of proportion
So she combs her hair
Knows he tires easily

Johnny's always running around
Trying to find certainty
He needs all the world to confirm
That he ain't lonely
Mary counts the walls
Says she should be used to it

Johnny's always running around
Running around

 - Johnny and Mary

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1980
Interprète : Robert Palmer

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Dans la série "Raising Hope", Lucy Carlyle la tueuse en série et mère de Hope lui avait donné un tout autre nom au départ, lequel ?
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