le player de génériques

Final countdown (the) (Europe)    twitter 

We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell?
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again?

It's the final countdown
The final countdown

We're heading for Venus and still we stand tall
'Cause maybe they've seen us and welcome us all, yea
With so many light years to go and things to be found
(To be found)
I'm sure that we'll all miss her so

It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown
(The final countdown)
Ohh ho ohh

The final countdown, oh ho
It's the final countdown
The final countdown
The final countdown
(The final countdown)

It's the final countdown
We're leaving together
The final countdown
We'll all miss her so
It's the final countdown
(The final countdown)
Ohh, it's the final countdown

 - Final countdown (the)

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1986
Album : The Final Countdown
Origine : Suède
Interprète : Europe
Compositeur : Joey Tempest

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Un amant oublié dans le placard ? Un chien menacé par des moutons féroces ? Pas grave, nous sommes là pour tous les êtres en détresse. Nous sommes de drôles de petits personnages emblématiques et nous avons bon coeur. Nous sommes ?
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