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Variétés - If Only I Could (Sydney Youngblood)    twitter 

Everybody all around the world, stand up all my brothers
Joining our hands, united we're stronger
Fighting for peace, caring about our loved ones
Trusting ourselves, sharing our feeling, believe me

If only I could I'd make this world a better place
If only I could I'd make this world a better place

Oh believe me, believe
Believe me, believe, if only I could

I think about the implications when alone between the sheets
When all the huggin' and kissin' is tearin' my heart apart
All people standin' hand in hand, celebratin' all different colours
Joining together, sharing their feelings, please believe me

Oh believe me, believe
Believe me, believe

If only I could I'd make this world a better place
If only I could I'd make this world a better place

If only I could

Mmm believe me, believe me
Believe me, believe

If only I could I'd make this world a better place
If only I could I'd make this world a better place
If only I could I'd make this world a better place
If only I could I'd make this world a better place

 - If Only I Could

Variétés - Infos
Date de sortie : 1989
Interprète : Sydney Youngblood

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Shakespeare, Britney Spears, ou les deux ? Bravo, vous gagnez un miam... il s'agit évidemment de ?
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